Inspirational Entrepreneur: Katie Harford

As a Holistic Life Coach, Katie focuses on helping women fall in love with themselves so they can attract Mr. Right into their lives. Her interview inspires us to focus on keeping our visibility high and to keep making those connections.

What inspired you to become a holistic entrepreneur?

I don’t fit the mold of “normal” society so being a holistic entrepreneur is perfect.


Tell us about your business or practice.

As a Holistic Life Coach, I allow women to fall in love with themselves so she can attract Mr. Right into her life.


What is your current business model?

Currently, I offer 1:1 coaching via skype, with a membership site on it’s way!


What has been one of your favorite moments as a business owner thus far?

Feeling satisfaction on a soul level, something that good grades on a piece of paper could never do for me.


What are some of the biggest challenges you have faced in running your business or practice?

Getting stuck in a negative mindset or pattern “I tried it once so nothing works” was my motto for a while.


How have you overcome those challenges?

I invested in myself and hired a business coach. I never would be doing this well without her.


How do you find new clients?

Facebook groups with my target market.


What have you found to be most effective in securing new clients to sign up for your services?

Being truly authentic, putting positive energy into conversations, and using engaging words/phrases.


What do you do to keep your existing clients engaged in the long term?

I’m haven’t been in business long enough to find out.


As your own boss, what is your best strategy for staying focused and productive during your workday?

Starting out with a positive and energizing morning routine and getting out of the house to work.


If you could start your business over again from the beginning, what would you do differently?

I would have hired a business coach right away.


What were some of the first mistakes you made that you would tell a new holistic entrepreneur to avoid?

No matter what, keep up your visibility and keep making connections.


What are the top three business tools or resources you couldn’t live without?

Facebook, online booking service, and divine inspiration


What has been your most effective method for growing your business?

Consistently increasing my visibility and constantly changing the way I say things.


In building your business, was there any specific mistake you made, “oops!” moment, or “I can’t believe I did that!” time that you look back and laugh at now?

Yes! I put out a free offer, not geared toward my target market, and ended getting way too many sessions booked back-to-back with people that I never would have wanted to connect with. It was sooooo draining.


What is your favorite indulgence?

Sitting on the beach with a really good coffee and pastry.


Most exotic thing you’ve ever eaten?

Fermented soy beans (doesn’t sound that exotic, but there’s a reason it isn’t popular in the west)


Most memorable place you’ve ever visited?

Bergen, Norway That’s where my soul calls home


Last book you read?

How To Contact Your Spirit Guide (still working on it)


If you could only have one kind of food for the rest of your life, it would be…

Pizza, because you can put anything on it and it will always taste amazing.


What is your go-to breakfast?

Oatmeal with every topping I can fit into the bowl.


What do you find most fascinating about the human body?

It’s ability to physically tell us when our emotions aren’t in check.


What do you love most about being an entrepreneur?

The world is my oyster!


Katie Harford is a Holistic Life Coach based out of Bellingham, Washington. You can find out more about Katie and her business, Heal With Happiness, by visiting

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I’m Jessica

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