Inspirational Entrepreneur: Caria Watt

Caria Watt

After working as a Communications Specialist in a large corporation, Caria decided to quit her job to become a holistic copywriter and editor and to teach people meditation to facilitate alleviating writers block and stress. Her interview inspires us to remember to slow down, breathe, and be patient with ourselves and our businesses.

What inspired you to become a holistic entrepreneur?

I’ve always had a great sixth sense about me. All my life I have been able to read people – understand them in a different way. I can tap in and find the right words to put them at ease. I never realized until recently that I could do this through my career and am on a new journey of merging the two strengths to help others.


Tell us about your business or practice.

I used to work as a Communications Specialist in a large corporation. I quit my job to become a holistic copywriter, editor and teach people mediation to help them alleviate writers block or stress. I have a lot of entrepreneurs, film directors, producer and actors, and writers that ask for meditation help – which is interesting as I learnt meditation for my own pleasure. Now people ask me for help in that area.

I learnt several techniques from masters around the world and have put together the best parts of what I learnt into an easy technique.


What is your current business model? 

Provide writing services to clients, have group programs, and aim to sell products – such as books and meditation mp3s.


What has been one of your favorite moments as a business owner thus far?

Completing my own website. I have been concentrating on clients content for their websites instead of working on my website. It’s easy to write for a brand that is not your own. The most amazing thing is that my website has attracted 10 clients in two days – which is more than I could have hoped for. I feel blessed by the universe – as they really want me to succeed.


What are some of the biggest challenges you have faced in running your business or practice?

Still clearing negative thoughts of an unsteady income and open to receiving the abundance it brings. Sounds simple right? It is with practice. So this is my daily practice: I am open to the divine flow and abundance, I am safe in this world and all is well.


How have you overcome those challenges?

Remembering to breathe and realizing that Rome wasn’t built in a day. Success takes time and a real passion for what you love. I love writing. I love meditation and I love mixing the two.


How do you find new clients?

Usually word of mouth. I have been lucky enough to work for some amazing people who have loved feeling connected with me and the words I use to describe their brand that they recommend me to others. I am working on a collaboration with likeminded entrepreneurs.


What have you found to be most effective in securing new clients to sign up for your services?

I have only had the website up for two days and have received 10 inquiries for my services. The copy on your website needs to speak to your audience. That’s all it takes.


What do you do to keep your existing clients engaged in the long term?

Forging great relationships with them. Customer service is key to success. My clients feel like family to me. I help them as much as I possibly can, making them apart of my team. When they are connected to me, it’s a no brainer.


As your own boss, what is your best strategy for staying focused and productive during your workday?

Eating properly is key for me. Waking up and starting the day with a good walk and healthy breakfast ensures that my day stays on track. Also remembering to take time out as well. Enjoying life’s little moments during the day – helps you go a long way.


If you could start your business over again from the beginning, what would you do differently?

Work on ICAs! It’s so valuable when you start a business. It’s key. I often go back to develop on my ICAs as it really helps me to understand client needs. Knowing your audience helps you build your niche!


What were some of the first mistakes you made that you would tell a new holistic entrepreneur to avoid?

Don’t believe everything that you learn. Have discernment. I have studied with many Masters of energy work with very different beliefs. They are all perfect in their own right. Although you need to know what works best for you. We are all different, have different desires and values. Trust your gut feeling – it’s never wrong.


What are the top three business tools or resources you couldn’t live without?

Social media – I’m addicted to it (in a good way) and love the fact I can connect to a complete stranger, share stories and get to make friends on it.

Networking – when you network with like-minded people, even if they are from different careers – you learn so much about the world and yourself.

Uncle Google – I call him uncle because he is a source of information. Again you have to have discernment when reading to understand the facts realize and what is complete rubbish. Either way Google can be very entertaining.


What has been your most effective method for growing your business?

Being true to who I am. The more I stand in my power of who I am as a person the more people are attracted to what I do. I am the creator of my life, the more I realize this, the more I have to offer my clients. And in turn, they provide endorsements and referrals. Even when some clients don’t refer me, I take great pleasure in helping them.


What is the craziest thing you’ve ever for done for your business?

Held a meditation session for a room full of young men – who wanted to understand how meditation could help them to focus as work. They were all dubious and thought it would be funny. As a result – they booked me in for 15 meditation sessions – to help them meditate for business. Now some of them run meditation classes for others.


What is your favorite indulgence?

Dark chocolate… especially watching a movie


Most exotic thing you’ve ever eaten?

Caviar – I love the saltiness


Most memorable place you’ve ever visited?

My grandmothers kitchen – I loved her cooking and miss her terribly.


Last book you read?

The Magic of Thinking Big by David J Schwartz PHD


If you could only have one kind of food for the rest of your life, it would be…

Vegetables… not sure I would survive without them.


What is your go-to breakfast?

Green smoothie, oats with seasonable fruit (hold the milk)


What do you find most fascinating about the human body?

Body language… it speaks volumes


What do you love most about being an entrepreneur?

The freedom to let your mind inspire yourself and others.


Caria Watt is a Copywriter, editor and coach based out of Sydney, Australia. You can find out more about Caria and her business, Caria Watt, by visiting

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